Thursday, May 10, 2007

A Tradition Worth Upholding

Even though I am residing far-off from my family, I still believe in maintaining robust family ties. However when I look around it is not the situation! Nowadays most people undervalue the family system that is still the most important institution for many Indians like us. The concept of family has also changed over time, now it only consists of father, mother and their children-we call it a "nuclear family"! I am not advocating for the traditional joint family system. It may not be practical in this fast moving world. But I strongly believe that it is possible to sustain healthy kinship bonds between grandparents, uncles, aunts, nieces, nephews, etc. by frequent visits, participation in festivals, celebrations, births, marriages, etc. But in this day and age children are growing up thinking that others can never be their well-wishers and they can trust only themselves - a kind of separation which has become a trait of their persona. For most of the younger generations "I and Me" matter more than "We and Us"! I must mention here that there are some people who take sadistic enjoyment by disintegrating families through creating troubles and making risqué remarks about other members of the family thereby instilling suspicion in their minds in order to make them fight each other! Only way to save the family is to be cautious of such persons!

I used to tell my two-year-old baby that the particular toy belongs to her and so on and so forth. I realized I'm sowing the seeds of separation in her little mind that may become one of the traits her personality later on. I believe an extended family can inculcate values of love, appreciation, peaceful coexistence, spirituality, respect to elders, strong family ties, hospitality, etc in young minds! Currently, it is a trend to defy traditional values and norms by saying that our value system is outdated and labeling it as faux pas! It is true that values will change over time to be in tandem with the changing world order. It doesn't mean to defy everything. I do believe children should be encouraged to be independent and self-sufficient (which was not the case in the traditional joint family) by positively influencing the child's attitude and behaviours. Thus we have to adopt the values that can still make significant positive changes in our and our children's lives! As I look back, I realize that the values I learned from my family are important aspects of my personal identity.

Vedic quotes

Piteva Putranabhi samsuajasva nama | - Atharvaveda
(Let us love each other the same way a father loves his children)

Brahmadwishaha avajahi | - Samaveda
(Destroy hatred by knowledge)

Ugram Vachaha Apavadhihi | - Samaveda
(Do not speak harsh words. Our words should exhibit our thoughts)

Sukritya Mahana Abhyavardhayaha | - Samaveda
(You become noble because of your good deeds)

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